Dressing Age-Appropriate: 30s and Beyond

There are key elements in men's fashion that hold true for gentlemen of all ages.

However… as you enter your 30s, there are a few thing to consider …

Discover valuable insights on dressing impeccably to showcase the best version of yourself.

Dress Age Appropriate

It’s important to reflect who we are in the moment. Clothes geared toward a younger crowd projects this image of trying too hard to grasp onto youthful days. Welcome your age with open arms by focusing on pieces that will best compliment the experienced man you are today.

Prioritize fit and tailoring of your clothing choices above all else; it’s so crucial. Remember, the way your clothes fit can make a significant difference in your style, so it should always be top priority for all items: dressy and casual — and ensure you have essential items because they are necessary and will also reduce clothing paralysis, drastically making getting dressed much easier.

Choose Staple Pieces

This is a very very important thing to do — especially as we age. It’s fine to be in-tune with all the latest trends, but cultivating a personal style is essential. You can always be interested in trends, but there’s no need to mimic them all — leave those to the guys in their early twenties. You are now an established gentlemen and we want to ensure your wardrobe aligns with where you are currently. Staple pieces are your new priority, and to be honest, you don’t even need overly trendy items to make a style impact anymore. You can still be stylish by focusing in on those classic and timeless pieces and working them to your advantage.

Elevate Your Style

What often happens to men as they age is that they dress far too casual, which leads into sloppy territory. As we age, it’s even more important that our casual pieces are well-curated. This is something you can easily accomplish by making a simple switch in your shirt. Like considering a crisp polo shirt over a crewneck tee to help elevate your look.

Emphasize your style with your accessories. The goal is to appear subtle and streamlined, above all else. As a more mature man, this will be your main focus. Big graphics, slogans and logos plastered on your casual, or gym attire, can come off really immature so avoid this like the plague. Otherwise, if you’re headed to a sporting event and you want to represent your team, go for it!

Prioritize Fit

Fit is crucial because it’s the number one thing you can do to come off as a well-dressed man. Many guys in their late 30s and beyond tend to gravitate toward clothing that is a size or two too large. DO NOT DO THIS — the excess fabric isn’t flattering on anyone and will just make you look as if you’re a child trying to play dress-up. Always prioritize well-fitted clothes to look your best. If you ever find yourself tempted toward baggy clothes, resist the urge! Remember that it’s only worsening your style.

Use this valuable information for continued success so you can attract investment from others just as you invest in yourself.

I've provided a comprehensive list of actionable steps that men can take to elevate themselves and become the greatest version they can be — be sure to explore more posts to gain deeper insights.

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Brandi is a wardrobe consultant and stylist helping leading men feel more confident in their style. She provides carefully-curated style offerings, dedicated to relieving all your style struggles, so you stay looking and feeling your absolute best.

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